The information you provide on joining the library and knowledge services is held on your library membership card and on a library database. The information will only be used for legitimate our processes which may involve other NHS libraries, or, for students, their University body. Your consent to our holding this information, required by the data protection act, is assumed when you complete the membership form. The following regulations exist to safeguard the interests of all Library users:
1. Anyone wishing to use library and knowledge services facilities must show valid ID (Trust swipe card, letter of appointment, etc).
2. A library card will be issued to all registered users. The information contained on this card is unique to each reader
3. You can borrow from Medway Library and knowledge services or from any of the Kent libraries that we collaborate with through Inter Library Loan. The maximum loan is 10 books and the loan period is four weeks. It is the responsibility of the borrower to check the due date and to return items promptly. Please return or renew the items before the due date. The loan period may be extended but items will be recalled if they are required by another reader. You can renew books yourself by logging onto the catalogue with your library membership number and PIN. You can also renew in person, by telephone or email. Books can be renewed up to 3 times.
4. The library reserves the right to charge for overdue items. Members are required to return overdue books immediately. If a book is not returned an invoice will be sent for full replacement cost and an administration charge. If not paid, this charge may be deducted from your salary.
5. Items on loan to another reader can be reserved and will be recalled if they are requested by another user. Readers are asked to return recalled items as promptly as possible.
6. Items are not transferable to another person, and members are responsible for all items borrowed in their name.
7. Members are responsible for all items issued on their library card until return has been recorded by library staff.
8. Members are responsible for Charges will be made for lost or damaged items.
9. Borrowed library items must not be defaced or marked in any way. Damage to or loss of library materials will be charged to the member at the current replacement cost.
10. Members must notify library staff as soon as possible of any change to home address, telephone number, work base and leaving date.
11. Users are expected to show respect and consideration to other library users and staff.
12. Library staff reserves the right to suspend or withdraw membership from any member in breach of library regulations but will always inform the member why this has been taken.
13. Members are encouraged to use the internet, but are reminded that Trust policies on IT access, e-mail/internet use and confidentiality should be followed at all times.
Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in the library contacting your manager or tutor.
Please note: the information you provide on joining the library is held on your library membership form, and on a library database. The information will be used for legitimate library processes which may involve other NHS Libraries and for students, their University body. We will delete information held by the library on you after a maximum 5 year period of inactivity.
You can request to change this information by emailing the library on:
Your consent to our holding this information is required by the Data Protection Act 1998 and is assumed when you submit the membership form.
Privacy Notice and Membership Declaration
We are committed to safeguarding your information. The information you supply will be used to contact you about services or resources you have requested from the Library and Knowledge Service. For further information on how we keep your information secure, and your rights to access it, read our full Privacy Policy and the KnowledgeShare Privacy Policy.
Our systems help to share knowledge across the NHS by connecting staff with one another. We would like to share your information with other NHS staff and students for this purpose.
Accessing your personal information
You may log in to our library management systems at (using your LKS PIN) or at (using your NHS OpenAthens account) to see the data we hold about you. You can request changes by emailing
Your declaration
I apply for membership of the Library and Knowledge Service and agree to abide by the LKS terms and conditions stated above. I agree to my data being held as described above.